
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  We need prayer. My team has come to a point where we collectively don’t feel like we should be in Nsoko anymore, yet there is no other option for at least another month. But instead of waiting out the next thirty days in hopeful expectation for a change of location that might never happen, we really need to dig deep into any possible ministry here in Nsoko and make the best of out time remaining here regardless of whether it’s one month or four. We need to become visionaries and seek out additional ministry opportunities with all of our spare time. As Oswald Chambers puts it, ‘Psalm 139 implies, “Thou art the God of the early mornings, the God of the late at nights, the God of the mountain peaks, and the God of the sea; but, my God, my soul has further horizons than the early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature – Thou who art the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot trace, dreams I cannot get at – my God, search me out.” Do we believe that God can garrison the imagination far beyond where we can go?’ Yes, we feel like there is little else we can do here in Nsoko, but God’s eyes are on the impossibilities, even as we limit ourselves to our capabilities. We forget the truth in His Word that we “can do all things through Him who gives us strength.” God has bigger dreams than we are able to imagine, and we need His eyes to see these dreams, His heart to desire to pursue them, and His strength to fulfill them.