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 Rest. I hate napping. It’s one of my least favorite pastimes ever. It makes me feel lazy and unproductive. Plus, with all I need to get done right now, it makes me feel stressed that I won’t get things done in time. Not to…

“Let us hope.”

            Vusani and I have a revised vision for his dream.  I am re-posting a portion of my blog about Vusani, plus our new plan…if you haven’t read this before and want the whole story, read the blog entitled “Vusani Comfort…

Protect me from HIV!

This is my teammate Katie’s blog regarding an upcoming event on HIV/AIDS we’re all really looking forward to.  There will be about 400 kids attending!  We need to raise some extra money for this to be all that we’re planning. …

Killing Grandmas…

                “My grandmother is dying.”                 Phindile’s words felt like a punch in my gut, taking my breath away as I tried to think of something to say…anything.  A dozen thoughts rushed through my mind as I realized that I…

Vusani Comfort Sibandze

                I am Vusani Sibandze.  I grew up at Hlangano, Swaziland. But now I moved to Nsoko to be a G-42 soccer player (local soccer team, only two leagues beneath the premier team that’s featured on television).  I like soccer…


                “This is Africa.  Some people are honest and some are not.”  Genuine concern was written across Lucky’s (a.k.a. Bekhumusa’s) face as he spoke to me.  “People talk.  They know that they can come to you for help because you…

Third-world Materialism

  “They need jobs, they need water, they need food, they need clothes…” My voice trailed off as my mom quipped, “They just need Jesus.” Even through a phone connection to the other side of the world I could hear a softness…