
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s taken great effort and intentionality to even read God’s Word and pray lately.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I do know that I Desperately need to dig deep into knowing God, because I see my carnal self coming forward more lately.  I need to be filled with Him so that when I die to self and become invisible, only He can be seen, alive in me.
I would greatly appreciate any and all prayers for my relationship with God.  I miss those days that I didn’t want to Stop reading His Word and talking to Him.  I want to be close to Him again.  I need to seek Him with ALL of my heart so that He will be found by me (Jer. 29:13).

4 responses to “All my devotion…”

  1. Praying for you. God would you reveal YOURself in an undeniable way. Blessings sister!

  2. Hey lady, God is there, loves you feel it or not, always. Sometimes it helps feel close to ask Him questions, say that you love Him, and count blessings…like His protection when you popped out of the vehicle! Lets pray for the whole team. Bless each one Dear Lord Jesus, He’s gonna stick with you, thick and thin, forever, love, Mikki

  3. Hey Jessica,
    I traveled from Kansas to Idaho to visit my friend Staci over my winter break. Jeff gave us a copy of the church newsletter which had a blog post of yours in it and it really spoke to my heart. Its been a blessing to read about what God is doing in your life and around the world! Nothing you do is in vain, sister! (1 Cor 15:58) He is able to renew the joy of His salvation! (Ps 51:12) Keep looking up! He sees you faithfully living your life, even if its hard at times. Consider it pure joy! (James 1:2-3)
    Praying for you,