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            Vusani and I have a revised vision for his dream.  I am re-posting a portion of my blog about Vusani, plus our new plan…if you haven’t read this before and want the whole story, read the blog entitled “Vusani Comfort Sibandze.”

Vusani’s testimony:                
            My parents teach me about Jesus and that touches me down in my heart, so I decided to follow Him and became a Christian. I can say that Jesus helped me in so many things, like when I was still at school doing my studies, Jesus helped me because I always prayed as I was still schooling, and it happened because I achieved what I wanted and I even prayed that Jesus may help me not to drop school, and indeed, I ended up finishing school. In whatever I was doing, I always put Him in front, so that in everything that I do, I can be in a position to achieve my goals. So then I saw that I’ve chosen the right person in Jesus, and from then, I decided to put Him in my heart as my friend. And I saw that Jesus is a best friend, because in whatever I do, I don’t regret because He’s always on my side. And I’m still praying that even now, the person I’ve chosen in Jesus, I’m still praying that I may never lose Him as my best friend, because He’s always in every problem I come across, He’s able to rescue me.    That is why I want Jesus to help me in order to achieve all of my dreams in life. I even thank Jesus that He has been so protective to my family as a whole because even now they have been in a position to pay school fees for me so that I finished school and they never abused me in that way because if maybe they abused me I would not even have finished school.   But Jesus was on my side because they didn’t do that up to the end. Now I have finished school because Jesus was so true to me as my best friend. And I still am even praying to Him now that all of my dreams will be achieved.
Vusani’s dream:
His dream is to be a teacher, which requires five years of schooling to earn the degree needed. Tuition costs plus living expenses are $24,200 emalangeni a year, an overwhelming amount here in Swaziland, but only about $3,500 US dollars a year.
The plan:
            This time we are asking for ten different sponsors.  This means that each sponsor would send only $30 dollars a month – much more feasible than $300 a month. ; )  Payment could be given monthly or bi-annually, in April and December (at the beginning of each semester).  This would be a five-year commitment for the duration of his teaching education.  Could you be one of these ten sponsors needed?  If you are interested or need more information, comment on this blog, message me on facebook, or email me at [email protected] for a more private contact.
We realize that this is a lot of money, even in American terms, but we are asking in hope. As Vusani says, “We hope because anything can happen through hope. Without hope nothing can happen. Let us hope.”

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